Gatestone in Sunday's New York Times: "Beautifying Islam"© 2025 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute. Get Free Exclusive Gatestone Content:
Comment on this item30 Reader CommentsDavid • Jul 18, 2015 at 12:59
Sir Winston Churchill on Muslims. Still true over 100 years later... The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome." Reply->
Joe • Jun 27, 2015 at 07:39
In Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, the top clerics still refuse to acknowledge Shi'ites as being Muslims, or to repudiate the teachings of earlier Wahhabi thinkers who argued for permanent jihad against heretics and infidels. No wonder that Muslim clerics today summon followers to a pitiless jihad against Shi'ite heretics, Christian crusaders, Jewish infidels, and Kurdish atheists. While they berate Arab despots for defiling the honor of Sunni Islam. These Muslim jihadis consider themselves to be on a divine mission to redeem a fallen Arab world by fire and the sword. ISIS alone, is estimated to have 40,000 fighters and 60,000 supporters. When looking at the actions of the dozens of other Islamist groups and their worldwide (Muslim) logistical support, can anyone dispute the aim of Dar al-Harb (دار الحرب "house of war") is to impose their authority, with blood, with the sword? Reply->
David Blacher • May 29, 2015 at 11:40
The above comment from the Jewish text, Pirket Avot (Sayings of the Fathers), admonishes us to know more about our opponent's point of view. This, then, enables us to engage in honest and civil argument. Sadly, the overwhelming majority of non-Muslim residents of the United States specifically, and the West in general, have little if any knowledge of what Islam is, its history and moral imperatives. I posit that it is incumbent upon the modern intellectual Muslim community to create and teach instructive classes for Christians and Jews -- certainly not for conversion. Reply->
Paul • Apr 18, 2015 at 20:10
You cannot change Islam. Islam is Islam and has to follow the dictates of its prophet. Go read your Koran and carry out what it commands you and stop all this wishful thinking. Reply->
clem snide • Mar 21, 2015 at 06:25
Good luck with your petition. something needs to change in the Muslim world. The current daily body count is past horrific, and demands moderates make a stand. Reply->
LSP • Mar 3, 2015 at 18:58
I have always been a "live and let live" person. Accepting and tolerant, but greatly dismayed by the demands of Islamic individuals. Muslims have moved into Europe and America for many reasons. They chose to immigrate knowing that these countries are not under Sharia law and love dogs as pets. If Muslims prefer not to live under Western values, they should be happy to return to their home countries and exist under Sharia there. They need to assimilate with Western culture, including dogs, and not expect us to adjust to their demands. I have no intention of moving to a country with Sharia and would not expect my home country to change to adjust to immigrant demands. No one makes them stay in countries with dogs. They don't like it here? I assume that they would prefer to be back in their own country and should be willing to return to them. Reply->
Bindon blood • Mar 3, 2015 at 11:08
Considering that all, or most, of the peaceful verses in the Koran are basically lifted from the Old and New testaments of the Bible, with some changes which tends to show lack of understanding of the original texts rather than any new enlightenment, removal of the new material which is mainly violent or promoting violence to the " kuffir" or threatening violence and torture in this life and the next, would leave very little worthy of being called a "revelation" at all. All that would be left would be a profoundly heretical version of Christianity. Such a religion would of course be rejected, probably with extreme violence, by Muslims and be as insulting to Christians and Jews as the current Koran. In short, Islam would cease to exist; a lot of people would welcome this but I don't think such a revision would get any support from Muslims. So meaningful revision of the Koran is not only virtually impossible,without a new revelation, but extremely dangerous for the reformers. As Mohammed is the last "prophet" it would seem that what we have got is all we are going to get. The Koran is not the only problem, of course, because we have the sirra and the ahadith; these accounts and rulings of Muhammad and his deeds and words are the source of much violence and prejudice toward non Muslims and the basis of Sharia as well as being considered as binding and sacred as the Koran. Most of us outside of Islam would love to see it's claws drawn but it would seem an impossible task as things stand. Reply->
Bill H • Feb 26, 2015 at 12:51
Islam has always and likely will always be a violent religion. There have, of course, been brief periods of enlightenment within Islam. But I can think of no ideologies in human history, other than the brief episodes of Nazism and Communism, which have been more violent than Islam. Attempts to "reclaim" Islam from violent extremists are, alas, unlikely to succeed. Reply->
![]() I recognized the problem late at night one evening on a local cable station. It was a debate between a radical imam and a moderate imam. The radical imam won the debate easily quoting verses from the Quran. The moderate looked confused. Peaceful Muslims are the ones who do not follow their religion. Reply->
The Watchman
![]() While the "moderates" use taqqiyah to lull us stupid khuffar into a false sense of security, they and the extremists know full well that the later violent parts of the Koran ALWAYS abrogate the earlier "peaceful" parts. Meanwhile our stupid "leaders" by into the poison peddled while vilifying anyone who points out the reality. Western lives sacrificed for Islamic lies. Reply->
Steve • Feb 16, 2015 at 02:48
I have a huge problem with this advertisement -- namely that all images have women with headscarves! Why can't you show Muslim women that refuse to wear the headscarf??? The hijab is part of the Islamist movement within Islam that regresses from modernism and is a symbol of the Islamism you at the Gatestone Institute speak of holding an exclusionary ideology. Muslim women in Iran never wore the headscarf before the Islamic revolution! Muslim women in Egypt in the 1950's never wore the headscarf! Muslim women in Afghanistan in the 70's didn't wear the headscarf. TELL MUSLIM WOMEN TO QUITE SEGREGATING THEMSELVES WITH THE HEADSCARF. They are not the Virgin Mary! Modern women don't like it, modern westerners don't like it! We want assimilation and we don't want someone's religion thrown in our face! Don't separate women by religion and gender from the rest of us. Reply->
Pierre Martin • Feb 5, 2015 at 11:02
Religion must be strictly personal. Religion which is not strictly personal is politics. Reply->
Michiel Hegener • Feb 4, 2015 at 17:55
Interesting. Moderate Muslims are voicing their concern about "the monsters" that have hijacked the beautiful and peaceful religion known as Islam. Great text - till you realize that the right to change one's religion, and more in particular the right to leave Islam, is not being mentioned. "Freedom of conscience" is, but without articulating the meaning of those three words they mean almost nothing. So, if the ad is run again, please add: - no one was ever born as a Muslim The prohibition of apostasy is the core problem of Islam. All the trouble mankind is having with Islam is flowing from that. Reply->
xbrain • Feb 2, 2015 at 19:28
There is no religion in the world now that propagates their law into society except Islam. Every religion has laws yet we don't enforce it on anyone in any country. Reply->
![]() Well, laws in the US originally stemmed from British common law and that was based on the Bible (Christianity). But Islamists want their own politico-religious law Sharia to control both our customs and laws. They are working from within in a cultural jihad to control people's thoughts about Islam. The docs found in the Holy Land Foundation trial set this out clearly. Reply->
Beryl • Jan 30, 2015 at 01:38
What I've been waiting for all the time. People of the Islamic faith standing up and being counted for accepting responsibility for the reformation where necessary of their faith and the willingness to stamp out the radical and butcherous interpretation to justify primitive behaviours and practices, while the silent majority is too cowardly to do something about it by just claiming they are not responsible because they want to live peacefully. And may I say without due concern for the victims of people practicing fanaticism in the name of Islam. The parallels drawn between what happened in Nazi Germany and elsewhere in the world though out modern history are abundantly clear. Reply->
Romeo • Jan 25, 2015 at 11:05
I live in the EU region and I unconditionally support your cause. Reply->
Julea • Jan 25, 2015 at 08:25
and the silence is deafening! Come on, where are the moderate Muslims whom so often tell me that their religion is a force for good? Those who say that ISIS does not represent them? I challenge you to prove those words.... Reply->
Shaun • Jan 23, 2015 at 06:34
"Believers! Conduct yourselves with justice..." Islam's justice is very different to the justice of civilised peoples. Muslims believe that the Koran is the perfect, eternal word of their god Allah. There is no higher source than the word of Allah for what Islam requires of Muslims. Muslims are told through the Koran to make war in order to spread Islam. They are told to hate, subjugate and kill non-Muslims and to not take any of them as friends. They are told to kill Jews. They are told that women are inherently inferior to men and that gays and apostates are to be killed. Muslim men are told that they can rape their wives and female slaves. In Islam, all of this is considered just. Being the word of Allah, the Koran cannot be altered in any way. By Islamic justice, any Muslim who tries to change the word of Allah is an apostate who deserves to die and may be killed without fear of reprisal from other Muslims. Islam cannot be sanitised. Accept it all or reject it all, no half-way position is possible. "... bearing true witness before God..." If Muslims were to bear true witness they would admit all of the above. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for everyone else, there is the established practice of taqiyya which is lying to advance the cause of Islam. Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie about Islam without incurring the wrath of their god and the murderous intent of other Muslims. They can say what they need to so that non-Muslims are misled into believing, for example, that Islam is a religion of peace and that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. The statement headed "What Can Muslims Do To Reclaim Their "Beautiful Religion"?" is an invitation to Muslims to engage in taqiyya and make non-Muslims believe that Islam can be sanitised when it can't. The statement and it's signatories would suggest that it's possible to pick and choose which parts of Islam to follow when it isn't. Islam is all or nothing. Picking and choosing is not allowed. The quoted verse, 4:135, appears about a fifth of the way through the Koran and is among the relatively civilised verses. Presented by itself it gives a false impression of Islam and that is of course why it's presented by itself. Those who want a far more accurate impression of Islam should read all of the Koran and not a few select excerpts. The later verses get really nasty. Know your enemy. Read the Koran. Reply->
Gaye • Jan 21, 2015 at 02:16
Islam represents a backward, aggressive and violent force or more pointedly, "unmitigated horror, terror and violence" which is all part of the quran you cannot reform a religion/book which Muslims believe are the words of Allah...Mohammad set the example for that they are/were to do. All religions have done terrible things, even slaughtered or burnt at the stake those who were not of the same faith. But unlike Islam, it is not written in the Bible or any other religious books. For the ten years before he died, Mohammad went on over 70 raids into villages sometimes while they slept, killing, raping, taking women for sex slaves and booty (as Mohammad himself did) and that was not counting raids on caravans who had done nothing against him, but had much booty, this seemed to be the only way that they lived, they did not appear to work, letting us know that the command of Mohammad to "kill the infidels" was not just when people came against them, and besides most people were to scared to come against them. The quran and others of their holy books are very explicit in what they are to do to those who will not submit. If it is a beautiful religion, why are so many Muslims/clerics/imams taking verses wrongly so that even today we have non-stop worldwide Muslim violence? People of course follow the example of their spiritual leader, where unlike Islam all other religions talk of peace, loving everyone, caring about people, and to live and let live those who do not think the same, where as Islam says to kill all who will not convert or upset you....Other religions are not taking verses out of context so what causes Muslims to do so...it couldn't be that that is what is written in their books could it. Even though ALL religions have done terrible things even slaughtered or burnt at the stake those who were not of the same faith, but unlike Islam it is not written in the bible or in other religious books to do so, all other religious books teach to love, patience, care about others, to live and let live. With the escalating news of Islamic terrorism rampant that alone shows that nothing can be done for Islam and it has never been a beautiful religion, as stated above, it is a war cult. I think it is hypocritical for people to call themselves Muslims and then say they can love the rest of the world because if they read their scriptures its always about cursing non-Muslims, and do not take them as your friend and when the time is right if they will not submit, kill them. Reply->
Hanna • Jan 18, 2015 at 06:09
Here is what you can and must do - call on ALL Muslims (around the world), who claim that they are moderate and are opposed to the evil crimes committed by their brothers and sisters world over TO START MASSIVE DEMONSTRATIONS IN EVERY COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD. To these demonstrations bring along your CHILDREN - they (the children) need to learn right from wrong. As for American Muslims, the Washington mall is a great place for such a demonstration. Also, bring along signs that say "WE ARE ALL PEACEFUL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD". I believe that many non Muslims will join you. Reply->
A concerned world citizen
![]() The Qur'an, itself, references how Allah wishes the killing of non-Muslims. Repeatedly encouraging and condoning the killing of non-believers (aka infidels = the unfaithful) is mentioned throughout the Qur'an. These duties or commands to kill people of different beliefs is stated no less than 109 times in the Qur'an. I have more references to the Qur'an, but the link below, which is one of many on the internet shall suffice. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/023-violence.htm If you don't believe the information, then, read the book. I read the Qur'an and it, indeed, tells "you" the reader in a very simplistic language what Islam is really all about. It appears to be the brain child of some psychopathic killers with no remorse nor compassion. Perhaps a long long time ago Islam was once had peace promoting philosophy at its core. Unfortunately, in today's world, Islam has shown us over and over and over that it is not a peaceful nor loving teaching. It is a hateful, intolerant and vengeful teaching that promotes the worst kinds of violence. Killing the innocent people because they wish not to accept someone else's forced and coerced religion, or the killing people for the slightest offense. Therefore, it must be regarded as an EVIL teaching. I am sure for the mere fact that I am stating my opinion here, that some zealot idiot is going to want to kill me. That just proves my point even further about Islam and its adherents. The world is not going to let you coerce and intimidate it any longer, you Islam is coming to it's end. Others will say that these are the acts of a few extremists, this is not Islam. I beg to differ, these extremists are the product of the Islamic religion and its core teachings. They are a reflection of the teaching, they are holding up to Islam's principles. They are faithful and they are also naive in following such an evil Ethos without ever even questioning the moral integrity of their actions. I will say this....I and many other we prefer to fight and die for our freedom of choice, if we must, than, to bow to an evil invading perverse religion having its faithful adherents commit acts that they believe will honor them and grant them access to heaven. Taking away all joys of life means nothing to these evil misguided individuals. We will not let any evil teachings nor its misguided followers destroy us. Reply->
![]() I would love to join if such a rally is organised. Reply->
Bindon Blood
![]() A great idea; trouble is there would be a lot more non Muslims turning up than Muslims. And the non Muslims would probably be beaten up and the Muslims arrested for apostasy . Nice thought though. Reply->
AmericanMom • Jan 12, 2015 at 20:46
Shukran. I send my sincere hope and wishes for the best of luck to the Muslims who signed this pledge. You are going against millions of your co-religious brothers and sisters who have been brainwashed to believe otherwise so you will have a very large mountain to climb. All of us rational people of all religions will be here to help and cheer you on. Reply->
![]() Richard Levine I will sign this document and support it.It is a very brave effort on the part of its maker. It has no precedent in Islam. Noteworthy is the church which has managed to heal two severe ruptures in its history. The principal is that the body is One, I have to admit that you are choosing a force for good. There can be no peace in the world until there is peace among the religions, further tolerance is insufficient in a modern cosmopolitan world the principal has to be mutual appreciation. "Pope Benedict" Faith, reason and the university. Lecture University of Regensburg. "The only thing that can good in itself is a good will." Kant, The Groundwork of the metaphysics. Reply->
Ron Kopman
![]() There are so few that are emboldened to embrace the principles of true freedom of expression and reject the tyranny and violence that are so pervasive throughout the world. Apathy and appeasement seem to represent the response from the liberal left who deny history as well as common sense. As the terrorism spreads across the globe into our collective backyards, we will yell and scream but by then, it may well be too late. Reply->
Hepcat • Jan 12, 2015 at 15:57
In Egypt, 84% of Muslims (80 million people) want the death penalty for those who leave Islam. According to a another Pew poll, 47% of Muslims in Bangladesh believe "suicide bombings can be often/sometimes justified against civilian targets in order to defend Islam from its enemies?" That's 70 million Muslims in that country alone who justify blowing up civilians. In Great Britain, 21% of its Muslim population justifies suicide bombings. That's 630,000 Muslims in GB who are okay will blowing up infidels. Reply->
![]() When we look at the early life of prophet Muhammad when he was in Mecca we can indeed say that Islam is a peaceful religion. But when he was not able to get his message across and moved to Medina we see the total opposite. In fact you can only conclude that Muhammad radicalized himself and brought terror in this world. So called moderate Muslims are either not aware of this or they live in denial. They cannot protest against terrorism because then they renounce their prophet. Reply->
![]() At the time I posted this comment, not a single person from the Muslim faith had commented! Their silence demonstrates the accuracy of Brigitte Gabriel's assertion that, "the peaceful majority of Muslims are irrelevant" in the war declared on the West by "radical Muslims." Silence, it seems to me, is either acquiescence or indifference to the terrorist acts of "radical Muslims." I see hugely disproportionate responses by millions of Muslims to cartoons, where property is destroyed and people are killed, while on the other hand there is complete silence when terrorist acts are committed on innocents, i.e., a Muslim girl shot in the head for wanting an education; girls killed by their own father for his feeling of a loss of honor because is daughter strayed from his view of what a Muslim girl should do; girls forced to remain in a burning building because they weren't dressed properly, suicide bombings in public areas, etc. What am I and others in the West to make of this dichotomy? Reply->