At a time when our enemies believe we are a nation at war with itself, angry with our neighbors, split by partisan divide, burdened by economic woes, and incapable of empathy, there comes a story this holiday season that reminds friend and foe alike who we are.
In a Canton, Michigan, plans for the annual holiday performance of The Nutcracker suddenly went off the boards when all the necessary props for the Plymouth-Canton Ballet Company went missing. Thousands of dollars of pieces required to stage the tradition were stolen – from the Christmas tree to the golden backdrop that serves to highlight the ballet's characters.
It seemed as if the spirit of this holy holiday season had been carted off by thieves.
Then, who we are as Americans appeared in force.
Community volunteers offered to start building replacement props. A GoFundMe page promptly raised thousands of dollars, while a former dance member lent a much-needed throne. "The Grinch" who sought to steal the spirit and joy of a community tradition was confronted by the underlying strength of America; a profoundly diverse nation that is now and will forever be united in the shared ideals of brotherhood, democracy, community and charity.
As we enter the holiday season, it is fitting and appropriate to step away from the divisive topics of public policy and partisan politics and focus on what binds us together.
The crooks who made off with the trappings needed to stage The Nutcracker in Michigan will ultimately find their Christmas to be cold and barren. Their criminal actions, however, have made the rest of us that much richer by allowing us to witness the response from an America we know and love.
To you, your families, and all who find insight in Gatestone commentaries, I wish you a happy, healthy holiday season.
Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.