Writings by John Richardson

Title Date
Release the Hostages2024/06/02
National Security Threat: Another Latin American Country Chooses China2023/03/28
China Inaugurating a New World Order?2023/03/17
China Winning Technological War: Biden Administration Allowing It2023/03/09
China Crosses "Red Line" Advancing Russia's War Effort2023/02/26
'The Global Gateway': More Empty Promises from the EU?2023/02/14
China and Russia Deepen Their Ties2023/02/07
Russian-Iranian Axis: Biden Administration Missing in Action?2023/01/31
TikTok Must be Banned in US and Free World2023/01/16
China Cements its Position in the Middle East2023/01/10
US Military's Failing Deterrence Against China2022/12/26
China Operating Illegal Police Stations Worldwide2022/12/02
Latin America: 'China's Backyard'2022/11/22
Germany Selling Critical Infrastructure to China2022/11/03
Communist China's Belt and Road Initiative Trashing the Environment2022/10/12
US Intelligence Warning: China Escalating Influence Operations2022/10/07
Russia Expanding Its Influence in Latin America2022/09/30
China: The 'Massive' Threat2022/09/27
How the US Squandered Its Strategic Minerals2022/09/22
Iran and Russia: The New Alliance2022/09/14
China Threatens to Destroy Elon Musk's Starlink2022/08/30
Security Threat: China's Interest in US Agriculture2022/08/19
China Is Winning the Economic Race with the US – The Consequences Will Be Profound2022/08/17
The Growing Threat from North Korea2022/08/05
European Scientists Empowering China's Military2022/07/08
Under Biden, U.S. Pushed Further Back in Latin America2022/07/06
Biden's Energy Crisis2022/06/29
Russia's Escalating Influence in Africa2022/06/20
China's New Way of War2022/06/17
SOS: Is The Pentagon Losing the U.S. to China?2022/06/06
National Security Crisis: Russia's and China's Nuclear Threats2022/05/25
The Badly Needed EastMed Pipeline Awaits Approval2022/05/12
China Accelerates Nuclear Buildup, Military Modernization; Biden Speeding U.S. to Defeat2022/05/09
China and Russia's 'Space War': Where Is The US?2022/04/28
Biden's Middle East: Saudi Arabia Embraces China; Will They Topple the Dollar?2022/04/20
China Taking Over Africa: 'China's Second Continent'2022/04/11
China Undercuts Sanctions on Russia: Where Are the 'Consequences'?2022/04/04
China Closer to Dominating Southeast Asia2022/03/24
The US Must Reestablish Deterrence2022/03/18
Putin's Latest Crackdowns - A New Low2022/02/21
Russia Driving Sweden and Finland into the Arms of NATO2022/02/14
Free Speech in the UK?2022/02/12
Europe's Weak Response to Russia2022/01/20
China: Buying Up Europe2022/01/14
Sweden, Gang Violence and a New Prime Minister2021/12/27
China in Latin America - Part 12021/12/23
How American Technology Aids China's Global Ambitions2021/12/07
China's Military Modernization2021/11/16
China's Weaponization of Space2021/11/05
Communist China's Aggression in the South China Sea2021/10/07
China's Growing Maritime Empire2021/10/05
China's Vast New Nuclear Build-Up2021/09/21
China's Belt and Road Initiative: Bad News for Human Rights2021/09/16
Communist China Continues Illegal Actions in the South China Sea2021/08/13
Communist China's New Plan: Digital Currency2021/07/27
What the West Can Learn from China's War on India2021/06/15
The Effect of Communist China on America's Clean Energy Plan2021/06/11
China's Belt and Road Being Built with Forced Labor2021/06/02
China Aims to Become the World's Leading Space Power by 20452021/05/09
Communist China: World's Biggest Climate Polluter Keeps Polluting2021/05/08
Communist China's Quest for Dominance in Antarctica2021/04/28
Will Communist China Dominate the Middle East?2021/04/26
China's Fishing Fleet Is Vacuuming the Oceans2021/04/22
China's Exploitation of Western Academia2021/04/07
China Challenges the US on Iran2021/04/01
What China's Communist Party Wants: Its New Five-Year Plan2021/03/30
Beheading Children in Mozambique2021/03/22
Lukashenko Still Crushes Belarus2021/03/16
China Ramps up Pressure on Taiwan2021/03/10
China Continues Crushing Hong Kong2021/03/02
Iran's Dissidents Plead with US to Keep Up "Maximum Pressure"2021/02/09
Russia: Putin Shoots Himself in the Foot2021/02/01
US Media: 'Telling China's Story Well'2021/01/16
China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda2021/01/02
The EU Needs to Stand Up for the Human Rights It Proclaims2020/12/21
China: The Conquest of Hollywood2020/12/19
China: Britain's Biggest Long-Term Threat2020/12/14
Our Chinese Sister Cities: "Use the Countryside to Surround the City"2020/12/13
EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum2020/11/28
Austria's New Hate Speech Law2020/11/14
Report Warns of Islamic Radicalization in France2020/11/04
UN Rewards Iranian Atrocities2020/10/27
Belarus: More Human Rights Violations2020/10/19
Death to Free Speech in the Netherlands - Again2020/10/08
Facebook Promotes Holocaust Denial2020/09/22
Self-censorship in the US2020/09/16
The 'Woke' Indifference to Jew Hatred2020/09/10
'Transforming' the U.S. – Into What?2020/09/09
Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious"2020/09/08
Confiscating Books in Sweden2020/09/07
The Protests in Belarus2020/08/18
At Least 100,000 Victims of Modern Slavery Just in UK2020/08/14
Systemic Hypocrisy2020/07/31
The United Nations' Institutional Racism2020/07/19
Killing Free Speech in Austria2020/07/07
Germany's Continuing Anti-Semitism Problem2020/07/04
The Corporate Thought Police2020/06/30
Modern Slavery and Woke Hypocrisy2020/06/27
Killing Free Speech in Switzerland2020/06/06
"Victimhood Culture" UK - Except for Victims of Terrorism2020/05/30
France's Determination to End Free Speech2020/05/26
"Epidemic Prevention" Chinese Communist Party Style: Persecute Religious Minorities2020/05/24
"Victimhood Culture" UK: Rape Victims Need Not Apply2020/05/16
The Swedish "Model" for Battling the Coronavirus2020/05/09
EU: Covid-19 Does Not Suspend Asylum Rights2020/05/05
London Police Ask Citizens to Report COVID-19 Hate Crimes2020/04/21
Germany: Still Too Much Free Speech, Says the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance2020/04/16
EU: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic Broke EU Law2020/04/09
"F***ing Swede"2020/04/04
Sweden: Culture of Silence2020/03/30
Germany: "Hate-Postings Day"2020/03/26
European Union: The End?2020/03/21
European Union: Closing the Borders?2020/03/14
The Problem with Released Jihadists2020/03/05
Are Muslim Women Trapped in Marriages in Denmark?2020/03/04
China Cracks Down on Religion Even Harder2020/03/02
Sweden's Victimized Children2020/02/26
International Migrants Day2020/02/25
How Should the West Respond to the Iranian Protesters?2020/02/24
The Terrorists Migrating into Europe2020/02/15
Sweden: Hijab is 'Look of the Year'2020/02/01
Germany's Selective Fight against Anti-Semitism2020/01/28
New EU Report on Integration Misses the Point2020/01/25
Europe's Nigerian Mafia2020/01/08
Germany's Middle Eastern Criminal Clans2020/01/04
Germany: A "Latent Sense of Insecurity"2019/12/28
Denmark: Why Integration Fails2019/12/21
Sweden: Confronting Reality2019/12/14
The Self-Censorship Trap: Some Artists Walking Right Into It2019/11/28
Sweden: The Price of Migration2019/11/22
Denmark: Shootings, Car Torchings, Gang Violence2019/11/19
The Court of Justice of the European Union Limits Free Speech2019/11/08
Sweden: What to Do About Gang Violence?2019/10/29
UK: New Subversive "Guidance" for Journalists2019/10/09
Who's Afraid of Scandinavia's Crime Statistics?2019/10/04
Swedes are Fleeing2019/10/02
Sweden Spinning out of Control2019/09/26
UK: The Push to End Free Speech2019/09/17
UK: Tony Blair Think-Tank Proposes End to Free Speech2019/09/12
Will Denmark Become Like Sweden?2019/09/10
Denmark: How to Deal with Integration?2019/08/20
Killing Free Speech in Canada2019/08/14
UK: Going Easy on ISIS Terrorists, Hard on Those Who Fought Them?2019/08/12
Killing Free Speech in France, Germany and on the Internet2019/08/08
Facebook: More Government Censorship2019/07/16
"Sweden is at War"2019/07/13
UN Launches All-out War on Free Speech2019/07/10
Germany: A Shocking Degree of Self-Censorship2019/07/04
Germany: Some Hate Speech 'More Equal than Others'2019/07/02
UN Global Compact: What Happens Next?2019/06/28
China: The Perfect High-Tech Totalitarian State2019/06/18
Denmark's Elections2019/06/14
Sweden's Self-Inflicted Mess2019/06/01
The EU Courts the Arab League2019/05/07
Free Speech in Denmark2019/04/25
EU's Collusion with Iran2019/04/13
The West's Crimes against Persecuted Minorities in the Middle East2019/03/29
Qatari School Books: What is Being Taught2019/03/26
UK Bans Hezbollah2019/03/23
Will Saudi Arabia Leave the Seventh Century?2019/03/20
EU: Telling Europeans What to Think2019/03/15
Sweden: Still More Migration2019/03/09
Facebook Still Championing Blasphemy Laws2019/02/19
Sweden Prosecuting Pensioners, Welcoming ISIS2019/02/16
EU: Going Full Orwell2019/02/05
Belgium Welcomes Multiculturalism2019/01/31
Sweden: New Government, Old Policies2019/01/22
Denmark: "In One Generation, Our Country Has Changed"2019/01/16
Europe: More Nifty Censorship from the EU2019/01/12
Democratic Countries Should Back out of the UN Global Compact2018/12/09
Does The Netherlands Have a Problem?2018/12/08
Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy2018/11/28
The European Court of Human Rights Submits to Islam2018/11/23
Sweden: What 'Humanitarian Superpower'?2018/11/17
UN Member States: Migration Is a Human Right2018/11/10
UK: Terror Investigations an "Inconvenience"?2018/11/02
Big Tech Snuffing Free Speech; Google's Poisonous 'Dragonfly'2018/10/17
EU: Politicizing the Internet2018/09/30
Welcome to Sanctuary Sweden!2018/09/28
Killing Free Speech2018/09/21
Why is Nobody Talking about the Union for the Mediterranean?2018/08/14
UK: Discrimination against Christian Refugees2018/08/06
The Relentless Radicalization of Sweden2018/07/13
Europe: "The Vision is an Islamic State"2018/07/02
Canada Supports, Infantilizes Jihadis2018/06/26
Switzerland Welcomes Radicalization2018/06/20
Sweden: "It's Fun to Build a Mosque"2018/06/14
Marching for Terrorism in London? No Problem2018/06/09
UK: A New Drive for Islamic Blasphemy Laws?2018/06/02
EU: How to Stop Mass-migration from Africa? Bring Everyone to Europe!2018/05/25
Sweden in Free Fall2018/05/16
Iran in the US Backyard2018/05/08
Ukraine: Is Russia Planning A New Invasion?2018/05/01
Sweden's War on Free Speech2018/04/14
UK: Islamization Full Speed Ahead2018/03/24
EU: More Censorship to "Protect" You2018/03/14
US: Muslim Calls for Murder Increasing2018/03/06
Europe: The Rapid Spread of Dhimmitude2018/02/22
Why Are European Governments So Terrified of 'Fake News'?2018/02/11
Europe: Making Islam Great Again2018/02/03
Europe: Making Totalitarianism Great Again2018/01/31
Germany: Return of the Stasi Police State?2018/01/25
Facebook: Championing Blasphemy Laws2018/01/15
Canada: Obsessed with "Islamophobia"2017/12/21
A Two State Solution for Europe?2017/12/06
Sweden's New Government Censorship2017/11/29
Hijab Barbie: Useful Idiots of Cultural Jihad2017/11/27
Turkey Islamizes Denmark with More Mosques2017/11/20
The Real Victims of "Islamophobia"2017/11/14
New York City Submits to Islam2017/11/07
Dawa: Sowing the Seeds of Hate2017/11/04
Surprise! Study Shows Islamic Terrorism is Islamic2017/10/31
Europe: Journalists Against Free Speech2017/10/24
Germany: Full Censorship Now Official2017/10/21
From Monty Python to Allah: London's New Mega Mosque2017/10/17
UK: Extremely Selective Free Speech2017/10/12
Sweden: Land of Double Standards2017/10/07
Europe: What do Islamic Parties Want?2017/09/29
EU: Delusions without Borders2017/09/21
Islamic Rules in Danish Schools2017/09/18
Sweden: A Failed State?2017/07/21
Australia: The Madness Continues2017/07/04
U.S. Trying to Criminalize Free Speech - Again2017/06/20
Europe: Choosing Suicide?2017/06/10
Finland: Now We Want a Mega-Mosque2017/06/06
Ramadan: "A Month of Great Conquests"2017/05/30
Sharia Down Under2017/05/29
Manchester: Europe Still 'Shocked, Shocked'2017/05/24
Europe's Leaders: Shielding Themselves from Reality2017/05/23
Sweden: A Qatari Protectorate2017/05/17
Jihad in Denmark2017/05/15
Norway: Threat of Jihad2017/04/15
Europe's Out-of-Control Censorship2017/04/06
The Muslim Brotherhood Swoops into Sweden2017/04/02
The Muslim Brotherhood: Peddling Sharia as Social Justice2017/03/30
Canada: Bring on the Islamization!2017/03/23
Europe: "The Era of Liberal Babble"2017/03/14
European Parliament Censors Its Own Free Speech2017/03/11
The West Submits to Blasphemy Laws2017/03/03
Would You Want Your Vaccine Produced by Supporters of Jihad?2017/02/25
Sweden: Hate Speech Just for Imams2017/02/22
The Muslim Brotherhood: Wellspring of Terrorism2017/02/15
Switzerland: Chocolate, Watches and Jihad2017/02/02
Austria: Does the Church Really Care about Terrorism?2017/01/29
Germany's New Propaganda Bureau2017/01/18
Europe: The Case of the Vanishing Women2017/01/04
Europe: Illegal to Criticize Islam2016/12/12
"Nothing to do with Islam"?2016/12/03
Europe: Let's Self-destruct!2016/11/25
Europe: Let's End Free Speech!2016/11/17
European Temper Trumptums2016/11/15
Canada: Parliament Condemns Free Speech2016/11/10
Mockeries of Justice in Denmark2016/10/30
No Justice in the Netherlands2016/10/24
What Should Americans Be Talking About?2016/10/17
The Soviet-Palestinian Lie2016/10/16
CRISIS: Internet to Have Global Governance October 1. Call Congress!2016/08/29
Fighting Hate Speech -- British Style2016/08/07
Sharia in Denmark - Part II2016/07/20
Biafra: Where is the International Community?2016/07/03
Polygamy: Europe's Hidden Statistic2016/06/05
Sweden's Holy War on Children's Books2016/05/21
The EU's Kiss of Death2016/05/10
Europe's Migration Crisis: No End in Sight2016/05/02
Europe Courting Godfather Erdogan2016/03/31
Jihad in Brussels2016/03/24
Sharia in Denmark2016/03/22
Moderate "European" Islam: Stemming Terror with Band Aids2016/03/01
Denmark Criminalizes Free Speech - Selectively2016/02/19
European Governments Ignoring Security Warnings?2016/01/30
Is Europe Choosing to Self-Destruct?2016/01/14
Is Europe Giving Up?2016/01/08
US Criminalizing Free Speech?2016/01/05
Iran Executes Three Iranians Every Day; The West Rewards It.2015/12/30
Why Has the Church Abandoned the Christians of the Middle East?2015/12/10
How Can Anyone Be Shocked?2015/11/14

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