Writings by Majid Rafizadeh  (View Biography)

Title Date
Israel Fights Alone, Carrying by Itself a Catatonically Suicidal West2024/10/19
Betraying the Free World?2024/10/12
U.S. Foreign Policy: Dangerous and Disastrous2024/10/05
When the Iranian Regime Intervenes in US Elections2024/09/28
To The EU: Time To Stand Against Iran's Regime, Terror Groups, Nukes2024/09/21
To Stop Hamas, Confront Qatar and Iran2024/09/14
Iran's Mullahs Love Hiding Behind Their Proxies — It Is Time to Stop Letting Them2024/09/07
Will The Biden-Harris Administration Allow the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism to Acquire Nuclear Weapons?2024/08/31
Confronting the Threat of Iran's Regime2024/08/24
Iran's Mullahs and Their Deadly Serious Plan: The Total Annihilation of Israel and the US2024/08/17
Needed: Strong Response2024/08/10
How Iran's Mullahs View the US Election2024/08/04
The Biden Administration Empowering Deadly Houthi Terror Group2024/07/27
European Union Is Funding Iranian Aggression2024/07/20
Iran's Mirage: The 'Reformist' Trap2024/07/13
Imagine Hitler with Nuclear Bombs; Now Imagine Iran's Mullahs with Nuclear Bombs2024/07/06
The Obama and Biden Administrations: Paving the Way for a Nuclear-Armed Iran2024/06/29
Iran Mullahs Drastically Speed Up Their Nuclear Program, US Administration Sits Idly By2024/06/22
As US Is Being Encircled by Enemies, the US Administration Wants Israel to Surrender to Terrorists2024/06/15
The West Keeps Rewarding the Terrorist Group Hamas2024/06/08
US and UN's Dangerous Flirtation: Cuddling with Iran2024/06/01
The Free World: An Alarming Status Report2024/05/25
US Administration Abandons Israel, Empowers Enemies2024/05/18
Iran's Mullahs Desperate for Nuclear Weapons, Do Not Believe Anything Else2024/05/11
Iran and the US Administration: Mocking US Sanctions2024/05/04
Iran Mullahs Speeding Up Nuclear Weapons Program: Anyone Interested?2024/04/27
Israel Under Attack – U.S. Administration Abandoning Its Ally?2024/04/20
Israel: Standing Alone Against Multifaceted Threats, Thanks to the Biden Administration2024/04/13
The Obama and Biden Administrations' Betrayal of America's Closest Ally in the Middle East: Israel2024/04/06
Under Biden Administration, Iran's Mullahs Enjoying Green Light to Go Nuclear2024/03/30
Biden Administration's Jitterbug with Iran's Regime2024/03/23
There Goes Latin America: Iran's Regime in America's Backyard2024/03/16
Iranian Regime's Sham 'Elections': Perpetuating the Deception2024/03/09
Biden Administration Not Stopping Iran, Russia, China, the Houthis2024/03/02
The EU's Complicity in Financing the Iranian Regime2024/02/24
Want to Stop Iran's Regime? Hit the IRGC Assets2024/02/17
The Dangerous Global Order with a Nuclear Armed Iran2024/02/10
Iranian Regime's Proxies: Target the Head of the Snake2024/02/03
The Biden Administration and the Iranian Regime's Nuclear Weapons2024/01/27
On Confronting the Iranian Regime2024/01/20
Iran's Growing Ballistic Missile Threat2024/01/13
2024: The Year Iran Will Go Nuclear If Western Powers Do Not Act2024/01/06
The Iranian Regime's Killing Machine2023/12/30
Three Things the Biden Administration Must Do Now to Stop Iran's Mullahs2023/12/23
Biden Administration Empowered Iran's Terror Group, the Houthis2023/12/16
Stopping the Mullahs vs. Getting Them All Set Up2023/12/09
Iran's Regime Soon to Have Nuclear Bombs; Hezbollah Is Next2023/12/02
Iran's Other Willing Accomplice: The European Union2023/11/25
Biden Administration's $10 Billion Prize to Iran: Just A Small Thank You for Engineering a War, Wounding 56 US Troops and Trying to Drive the US Out of The Middle East.2023/11/18
It Is Time Biden Publicly Acknowledged This Is Iran's Mullahs' War Against Israel and the United States2023/11/11
Iran's Genocidal War Against the Jews2023/11/04
Stronger Action Needed Against Iran2023/10/28
Iran: Behind Hamas' Planned Genocide2023/10/21
How the Biden Administration Helped Iran's Mullahs Try to Fulfill Their Dream of Annihilating Israel2023/10/14
Biden Administration Enabling Iranian Mullahs' Dangerous Nuclear Weapons Program – Again?2023/10/07
Danger to Western Lives Takes Off, Thanks to the Biden Administration2023/09/29
Thanks to the Policies of the Obama and Biden Administrations, the New Axis of Evil – Russia, China, North Korea, Iran – Posing a Worldwide Existential Threat2023/09/23
Biden Administration's Dangerous, Failed, Disastrous Iran Policy2023/09/16
Biden Administration Bypassing Americans, Violating US Law, to Appease Regime of Iran2023/09/09
Iranian Regime's Mullahs Pocketing Billions Thanks to the Biden Administration2023/09/02
Iran's Religious Influence Spreading throughout the United States2023/08/26
Biden Administration Funding Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program, Incentivizing Terror2023/08/19
Biden Administration Abandoning Israel for Ruling Mullahs of Iran?2023/08/12
Iran, Russia Evade Sanctions; Biden Administration 'Funding Both Sides of Ukraine War'2023/08/05
Biden's Legacy: The Axis of Tyrannies2023/07/29
Iran's Mullahs Escalating Aggression in Latin America, Middle East2023/07/22
Biden Administration Funding Iran's Nuclear Bomb Tests, Threatening Israel for Trying to Prevent Them?2023/07/15
Iranian Threat in America's Backyard, Thanks to The Biden Administration2023/07/08
The Biden Administration's Dangerous Nuclear Deal: Congressional Approval Required2023/07/01
Biden Administration Empowering Iran's Deadly Regime2023/06/24
The Biden Administration's Secret Capitulation to Iran's Regime2023/06/17
'No Joke': The Baffling Silence by The Biden Administration, UN and EU on Iran's Human Rights Abuses2023/06/10
The Anti-Western Nuclear Club: North Korea, China, Russia and Iran Dangerously Target the West2023/06/03
Iran's Nuclear Program: Does the Biden Administration Have a Policy?2023/05/27
The Biden Administration's Legacy: Iranian Regime Armed with Unlimited Nuclear Bombs2023/05/20
The Biden Administration's Green Light to Iran's Terrorists and Nuclear Program2023/05/13
The EU's Endless Appeasement of the Ruling Mullahs of Iran2023/05/06
The Biden Administration's Vacuum of Leadership2023/05/01
Biden Administration Still Negotiating a Secret 'Deal' with Iran: As Many Nuclear Weapons as They Like?2023/04/22
Why Don't Americans Trust the Biden Administration on Iran?2023/04/18
'A New World Order'? The Iran-Russia-China Axis During the Biden Administration2023/04/08
Thanks to Biden Administration, Iran's Mullahs Winners of Russia Invasion of Ukraine2023/04/01
The Growing Power of the China-Iran Alliance Thanks to the Biden Administration2023/03/25
Iran's Mullahs Mission: Wipe Out America2023/03/18
Biden Administration Allowing Iran's Mullahs to Join the "Nuclear Club"2023/03/11
Iran's Regime Days Away from Nuclear Weapons2023/03/04
Thanks to Obama's 'Nuclear Deal,' Iran Now a Major Arms Exporter2023/02/25
Is Biden A 'Manchurian President,' Facilitating Nuclear Cooperation between Iran's Mullahs and Russia?2023/02/18
Iran's Military at the Panama Canal: Significant National Security Threat2023/02/11
Biggest Gift to Iran's Mullahs, China and Russia: Biden Administration's Weak Leadership2023/02/04
Biden Administration's Total Disregard for Iran's Protestors, Nuclear Threat2023/01/28
EU's Double-Standards on Iran's Human Rights: Business First2023/01/21
The EU and the Biden Administration Still Appeasing and Rewarding the Mullahs of Iran2023/01/14
Iran Deepens Its Presence Inside Latin America2023/01/07
No, Iran Nuclear Deal Is Not Yet Dead and Russia Is Helping Iran Go Nuclear2022/12/31
Trained To Kill: Iranian Mullahs' Militia Group2022/12/24
The West Needs To Fully Cut Ties with Iran's Ruling Mullahs2022/12/17
Iran's Mullahs: When Will the EU Wake Up?2022/12/10
Biden Administration Turns a Blind Eye to Iranian Regime's Brutal Crackdown2022/12/03
Is the Biden Administration Colluding with Russia to Allow Iran to Go Nuclear?2022/11/26
Biden Administration's Inaction Legitimizes Iran's Brutality2022/11/19
The Dangerous Nexus: Russia and Iran's Mullahs2022/11/11
The Danger of a "Sleeping" Nuclear Deal: Stronger Russia, China, North Korea, Iran2022/11/05
Russia and Iran, New "Axis of Evil," Emboldened by Biden Administration2022/10/29
Russia, Iran's Mullahs Deepen Ties to Crush Ukraine: Why Is Biden Administration Silent?2022/10/22
Biden Administration Repeating Obama's Mistake: Is Biden Being a "Russian Stooge"?2022/10/15
Thanks to the Biden Administration, Russia and Iran Are Closer than Ever2022/10/08
Biden Administration's Gift to Russia: Iran Nuke Deal2022/10/01
Biden Administration Standing Idly By While Iran's Mullahs Advance to Nuclear Bomb2022/09/24
Thanks to the Biden Administration's and EU's Appeasement, Iran's Mullahs Go Big on Cyberattacks2022/09/17
Iran Deal - Reportedly "Off the Table" - Would Not Have Prevented a War2022/09/10
The Biden Administration's Nuclear Deal Is the Biggest Gift to the World's 'Top State Sponsor of Terrorism'2022/09/03
Still More Dangerous New Concessions by Biden Administration for a Nuclear Deal with Iran's Mullahs2022/08/27
Biden Admin's Appeasement of Iran Mullahs Risking American Lives2022/08/20
A Deal Will Not Stop the Mullahs from Going Nuclear2022/08/13
Thanks to the EU, Iran's Mullahs Will Continue Taking Even More Hostages2022/08/06
The EU's Shameful Total Appeasement of Iran's Mullahs2022/07/30
Biden's Trip: A Total Disappointment to Allies2022/07/23
Biden Administration: The Friendliest to Iran's Mullahs?2022/07/16
Wanting the Iran Nuclear Deal for the Wrong Reasons2022/07/09
Biden Admin and EU Appease Mullahs, Iran Regime Employs More Terror Cells2022/07/02
Under the Biden Administration's Watch, Iran Sanctions are Violated with Impunity2022/06/25
Iran's Nuclear Program: Where Is the Biden Administration's Plan B?2022/06/18
Iran's Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory2022/06/11
To Biden Administration on Iran: Do Not Leave Americans, Allies, in the Dark2022/06/04
Biden Admin's Iran Nuclear Policy is Disastrous, Misinformed and Dangerous2022/05/28
Iran Takes More Foreign Hostages; Biden Administration, EU Stay Silent2022/05/21
The EU and the Biden Administration Give in to Iran's Mullahs2022/05/14
Iran Mullahs Escalate Threats Against Jews, Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs Even More2022/05/07
Giving Carrots to Iran Will Not Alter Its Brutal, Expansionist Plan2022/04/30
Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?2022/04/23
Tackling the Iranian Regime's Nuclear Threat2022/04/16
Biden Administration, EU and Iran's Mullahs: Historical Mistake Repeating Itself2022/04/09
Is the US Pretending That Iran's IRGC, "Mother of All Terrorist Groups", Is Not a Terrorist Group?2022/03/29
Biden Administration's Nuclear Deal: "This Isn't Obama's Iran Deal. It's Much, Much Worse."2022/03/26
The Biden Administration's Campaign to "Make Anti-American Dictatorships Great Again"2022/03/19
Why Are the Biden Administration, EU, Appeasing the Iranian Regime?2022/03/12
Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs, Iran Escalates Assassinations2022/03/08
Here Is Why Iran's Mullahs Are Excited About Biden's Nuclear Deal2022/02/26
To The Biden Admin: To Eradicate Iran's Terrorism, Confront the Ruling Mullahs2022/02/19
Biden Admin and EU Silent on Iran's Rising Persecution of Religious Minorities2022/02/09
The Houthis Must Be Relisted as a Terrorist Group2022/01/24
Thanks to Biden Administration's Weak Leadership, Iran-China Threat Growing2022/01/22
The Biden Administration's 'Diplomacy' with the Iranian Regime2022/01/18
Open Letter to President Biden: Nuclear Deal with Iran Will Be a Disaster2022/01/08
Biden Administration Must At Least Help Any Country Trying to Confront Iran's Mullahs2022/01/01
Biden's Legacy: A Nuclear Iran2021/12/22
Biden Administration Silent Against Iran's Mullahs' Terror Threat2021/12/18
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Biden Administration's Fatal Mistakes2021/12/11
Like Obama, Biden Silent on Iran Mullahs Killing Peaceful Protesters2021/12/04
To Biden Admin: Do Not Give Away US Leverage Against Iran2021/11/27
Iran's Mullahs to Obtain Major Concessions from Biden Admin and EU?2021/11/19
Human Rights Violations: European Union Gives Iran's Mullahs Full Impunity2021/11/13
Biden Admin Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions2021/11/06
The EU's Dangerous Policy Towards Iran's Mullahs2021/10/30
Iran's Mullahs and China Empowered Under Biden Administration2021/10/16
Iran Regime's Hostage Taking: Where Are the West and the UN?2021/10/09
Nuclear Armed Iran More Dangerous Than North Korea2021/10/02
Thanks to Biden Administration, Iran Mullahs and Taliban Empowered2021/09/25
Iran's Nuclear Weapons Weeks Away2021/09/09
Iranian Mullahs' Torture Epidemic: UN, EU, Biden Administration Continue Appeasing Anyhow2021/09/02
Biden Admin Gives Iran's Mullahs Another Victory: Taliban Takeover2021/08/28
Iran's Mullahs Closer Than Ever to Obtaining Nuclear Weapons2021/08/21
Iranian Mullahs' Deadly War at Sea, Biden Administration Silent2021/08/14
To Biden Administration: No Visa, No Negotiations with Iran Regime's Mass Murderer2021/08/07
Iran's Mullahs are Killing; Biden Administration, EU Are Silent2021/07/31
Iranian Regime Empowered: Violating US Sovereignty, Kidnapping on American Soil2021/07/24
The EU Leaders Join North Korea in Welcoming Iran's Mass Murderer President2021/07/17
Biden and the Mullahs: "Feeding the Crocodile"2021/07/13
Biden Administration: Rewarding the Murderous Regime of Iran?2021/07/01
Iran's New President: A Mass Murderer Mullah2021/06/26
The Biden Administration's Iran Policy: All Carrots, No Stick2021/06/19
To Biden Administration: Record of Iran's Top "Moderate" Mullah2021/06/12
Islamic Republic: Welcome to Iran's Fake Democratic Elections2021/06/05
Even with a Deal, the Mullahs Will Pursue Nukes2021/05/25
As Iran's Mullahs Incite Hamas Terrorism, Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Lifted2021/05/18
Americans Have the Right to Know About Biden's Upcoming Deal with Iran's Mullahs2021/05/15
Iran: Any Sanctions Relief Will be Used Against Americans2021/05/04
Biden Administration Needs to Halt Talks with Iran's Mullahs2021/05/01
On Iran, Biden Administration Ready to Undo Former Administration's Work, whether It is Good for the World or Not?2021/04/14
Where Are the US and the EU on Iran's Human Rights Violations?2021/04/05
Biden Administration and Iran: Secret Deals and Appeasement Back on the Table?2021/04/03
Iranian Regime, Houthis Celebrate Biden Administration's Policy2021/03/27
Biden Can Trigger a Regional War by Reviving the Nuclear Deal2021/03/15
The Mullahs' Nuclear Weapons Game2021/03/09
The Danger of Appeasing the Mullahs2021/02/27
Iran: The Mullah's Pursuit of Obtaining Nuclear Weapons2021/02/18
Iran's Role in Yemen: US, EU Go Wobbly2021/02/06
Iran Regime's Agents and Illegal Activities in the US2021/01/30
Nuclear Extortion: Mullahs Want More Concessions from Biden2021/01/19
The Double Standards and Hypocrisy of Social Media Giants2021/01/13
Congressmen Beating the Drum for Iran's Mullahs2021/01/05
To Europe with Love: "Diplomats" or Terrorists from Iran's Mullahs?2020/12/20
Bedfellows: Iran and Al Qaeda2020/12/12
Iran's Mullahs Want the "Nuclear Deal", So Does Biden2020/12/03
Iran: Mullahs Celebrate What They Hope Will Be the Return To Their Nuclear Bomb2020/11/10
Iran's Mullahs are in Turmoil Thanks to America's Current Policy2020/11/02
Iran's Mullah, the Master of Terror Cells in the World2020/10/26
U.S. Only Country to Hold Iran's Mullahs Accountable2020/10/17
EU Still Siding with the "World's Worst Human Rights Abuser"2020/10/03
Iran's Missile Violations: Where is the International Community?2020/09/19
The UN and EU's Silence on Iran's "Shocking Human Rights Violations"2020/09/07
Iran: "American Soil is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs"2020/09/05
Watch for Election Meddling by Iran and Other Adversaries of America2020/08/29
UN Supports 'World's Worst State Sponsor of Terrorism,' Iran2020/08/21
The Mullahs and Hezbollah, Lords of Drug Smuggling2020/08/12
Iran: China's Newest Colony?2020/08/08
Iran: The Mullahs Are Excited2020/07/28
The "Maximum Pressure" on Iran's Regime2020/07/22
Iran's Mullahs Celebrate More Rewards from the 'Nuclear Deal'2020/07/18
The Mullah's Spies and Assassinations in the West2020/07/06
Will the EU Ever Stop Appeasing Iran's Mullahs?2020/06/22
Danger: Iran's Arms Embargo About to Expire2020/06/17
Iran Close to Nuclear Weapons Breakout2020/06/09
White House Iran Policy Is Hitting Tehran's Terror Allies Hard. Now Let Us Try for Harder.2020/06/01
Iran: The Ayatollah, Amid Coronavirus, Calls for Jihad Against the Jewish State2020/05/26
Iran's Mullahs Advancing Anti-Israel Agenda Despite Coronavirus2020/05/21
Coronavirus: The Mullahs Strengthen Ties with Venezuela2020/05/11
Germany Allows Mullahs' Terror Banks Amid Coronavirus2020/05/04
Iran: Mullahs Using Coronavirus to Heighten Anti-Americanism2020/04/28
Falling into the Iranian Regime's Coronavirus Trap2020/04/20
IMF Must Not Buy the Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies2020/04/13
Iran: How the Regime Is Trying to Exploit the Coronavirus Crisis2020/04/06
Amid Coronavirus, Mullahs Speeding Up Nuclear Activities2020/03/31
Coronavirus: Should the U.S. Lift Sanctions on Iran?2020/03/24
Iran's Coronavirus Cover-up2020/03/16
Iran: The Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies2020/03/10
Who Is the Ayatollah's New Top General?2020/03/04
Iran's Lobbyists and Agents in the West2020/01/28
The EU Needs to Take Tougher Stance Towards Iran's Mullahs2020/01/23
Thanks to the President, U.S. Policy Heading in the Right Direction2020/01/06
In Iran, It Is a Crime to Be a Christian2019/12/29
Iran to Have Nuclear Bomb in a Few Months?2019/11/26
Thanks to Trump, the Mullahs Are Going Bankrupt2019/11/21
Europe Backs Iranian Nuclear Breakout2019/11/14
EU Supports Iran - World's Leading Executioner of Children2019/10/28
Iran: Acting to Make Trump a One-Term President2019/10/10
France: President Macron Must Stop Appeasing Iran's Mullahs2019/10/03
Evidence that Iran Violated the Nuclear Deal Since Day One?2019/09/23
Iran Ready to "Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map"2019/09/09
Iran's Mullahs: Loving the Democrats' Presidential Debates2019/08/22
Khamenei's Nuclear Fatwa is a Deception, a Ploy and a Lie2019/08/10
The UN's Deadly Silence on Iran's Maritime Violations2019/07/31
To the EU: Iran's Mullahs Will Never Be Your Friend2019/07/22
US and Iran: What is NOT a Smart Policy2019/07/06
Will Iran's Attacks on the US and Allies Escalate?2019/06/26
No Peace as Long as Iran's Mullahs Enjoy Power2019/06/20
The Mullahs Promise "Demise of Israel" and American Civilization2019/06/15
Iran's Plans to Kidnap and Kill More Americans2019/05/23
The Iranian Government's 40 Years of Hatred Towards America2019/05/16
The US Sanctions on Mullahs are Working2019/04/27
The US Must Stop Iran's Takeover of Yemen2019/04/16
The EU Still Appeasing the Mullahs2019/04/15
Stop Iran From Going Nuclear2019/03/30
Iran Inches Closer to its Goal: "Wipe Israel off the Map"2019/03/16
Iran: Child Executions, Amputations, Floggings2019/03/08
Iran: Mounting Persecution of Christians2019/02/24
The 40th Anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran2019/02/10
Iran's Kidnapping Industry2019/01/26
Apologists for Extremism in the West2019/01/08
An 8-Year-Old Bride2018/12/15
Tale of a Christian Mother in a Non-Christian Land2018/11/04
Christians Sentenced to Death Under Sharia Law2018/10/14
Why Can't I Criticize My Religion?2018/09/16
An Iranian Dream: "Why Can't I Dance?"2018/08/18
Hijab Chronicles2018/08/05
Story of a Foiled Islamist Terrorist Attack2018/07/15
My School's Imam: "We Love Western Anti-West Theories"2018/06/12
Radicalism: The Real Shock Was the Reaction of the Americans...2018/05/12
The Love Affair with Syria's Dictator2018/04/22
The "Moderate" Muslim Scholar Industry2018/04/03
Punished for Not Chanting "Death to America, Israel, Britain"2018/03/03
History Lessons from Years Under Islamism2018/02/17
Welcome to America, Terrorists! Right This Way for Student Visas!2018/01/31
"I Am Sick of Hijab, Sharia Law, Sharia Police"2018/01/24
If You Hate America, Why Not Go Back to Your Country?2018/01/06
Obama Betrayed Iranian People; Trump Stands with Them2018/01/03
The Regime Chants "Death to America", Iranians Chant "Death to Mullahs"2018/01/01
"I am not American," said the Islamist; "I am Muslim"2017/12/02
Stop the "Diversity" Visa Lottery, Gateway for Jihadists2017/11/02
More Jihadists in the West - Why?2017/10/04
Lessons for the West: Imprisoned for One's Faith2017/09/06
When Feminists Join Islamist Terrorists2017/08/20
Islamist Spies Infiltrating the West to Terrorize Christians2017/08/06
Deny the Holocaust, but Don't Question Sharia?2017/07/23
Deadly Tale: Christian Converts from Islam2017/07/09
World's Rallying Cry: "Free Iran"2017/07/04
Death of a Religious Minority Under Radical Islam2017/06/04
Links Between Islamism and Executions2017/05/10
Sanction Iran's Regime, Add IRCG to Terrorist List2017/04/27
Sentenced to Death for "Insulting Islam"2017/04/07
As a Muslim, I am Shocked by Liberals and Leftists2017/03/25
From Execution to Medieval Torture: "Iran's Mandela", Ayatollah Boroujerdi2017/03/13
Iran Tests Trump2017/02/02
Iran Trains Children for War2017/01/23
Iran Steps Up Threats to Israel, U.S.2017/01/11
Iran's Monstrous Record in 20162016/12/27
Iran Breaks Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions2016/12/15
Iran to Trump: Death to America Will Live On2016/12/05
Iran's Forces Outnumber Assad's in Syria2016/11/24
Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal - Again. What's Next?2016/11/13
Iran's Threats Louder after Obama Appeasement2016/11/10
Iran Takes More Hostages: What Did the US Expect?2016/10/27
Obama Quietly Empowers Iran's Military2016/10/18
Iran's Massacre and Rising Crimes Against Humanity2016/10/05
Iran's Rouhani: Tactical Shift at the UN2016/09/19
Iran: The Return of Ahmadinejad & Co.2016/09/05
Khamenei and IRGC's Increasing Popularity2016/08/17
Iran Is Cheating on the Nuclear Deal, Now What?2016/08/04
It Is the Duty of Muslims to Speak Out2016/07/11
U.S. Bankrolling Hezbollah2016/07/06
The National Iranian American Council (NIAC)2016/06/22
Iran: Ayatollah Khamenei Plans Next Supreme Leader2016/05/31
Iran's Anti-Semitism2016/05/16
Khamenei's Anti-Americanism2016/05/08
Reza Moridi: The Changing Faces of an Iranian-Canadian MPP2016/05/02

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